Good Property Accounting Can Help Tenant Retention

Posted on: 4 August 2023

Accounting is a core process for businesses. It lets people keep track of everything. Just as important, it provides much of the information that makes business planning possible. Rental properties are no exception. If you're running a property, you don't want to skimp on your property accounting because doing things right gives you valuable advantages. One surprising example is better tenant retention.

Tenant Retention Is Critical

Tenant retention is critical for rental properties. After all, they don't generate income unless they're occupied. Unfortunately, finding tenants is expensive and time-consuming. Even worse, there's no guarantee tenants are as good as they claim to be. They might not pay rent on time. Similarly, they might treat the property poorly. Due to this, you want to retain the good tenants you've found for as long as possible, thus guaranteeing a steady income stream for your property far into the future.

Good Property Accounting Prevents Trouble For Tenants

There are many ways to convince your tenants to stick around. However, one of the best is preventing errors that can upset them. Property management accounting errors can cause these incidents. For example, a tenant might be charged late fees because their payment was recorded with the wrong amount or at the wrong time. Something that's guaranteed to annoy them or worse because they'll need to waste time and effort to correct everything. Likewise, poor business planning might result in the property lacking cash to cover its bills. If so, tenants might suddenly wind up with no utilities, even though they've done everything they're supposed to. Similarly, they might have to wait months for someone to fix a broken HVAC system, which can be even worse in summer and winter.

These scenarios have costs that go beyond lower tenant retention rates. Property management has to live up to their part of the rental contracts with their tenants. Failure to do so can mean legal consequences.

Proper Property Accounting Minimizes the Chance of Error

There are easy ways for people to improve their property management accounting. For instance, they should avoid muddling things by routing their personal and business activities through shared accounts. Furthermore, they can use accounting software to automate processes humans would otherwise have to handle. Finally, there's always following proper procedure even when it's inconvenient. One example would be putting rent in the property's account before moving the owner's portion to the owner's account. The proper procedure creates tracks that are easy to find and understand. This is wise because you can't count on memory to make sense of things weeks, months, or even years later.

Of course, professional property accounting services are always available if you need them. This can be on a regular or occasional basis. Outsourcing means leaving everything to the experts so you can focus on what you're good at. It's costlier, but it offers reliable results. However, you can also benefit from occasionally consulting property accounting services to see if your books are correct and your accounting practices are improvable. There are always issues that can be worked out. An expert's eye can make it easier for you to see them.

For more information on property accounting, contact a professional near you.
